
Identifying stress-induced heterogeneity in <InlineParagraph>Cu<sub>20</sub>Zr<sub>20</sub>Ni<sub>20</sub>Ti<sub>20</sub>Pd<sub>20</sub></InlineParagraph><InlineParagraph> high-entropy</InlineParagraph> metallic glass from machine learning atomic dynamics

Figure 5. Chemical short-range ordering evaluation. (A): Composition of LAs, where the dashed line marks the composition of the HEMG sample; (B): relative deviation of CN, where the zero line denotes the total average; (C): matrix of parameter -αA(B). The values correspond to the total average of -αA(B), and the plus/minus signs denote how to deviate from the average. Double signs denote a significant deviation of > 0.09, and the symbol “0” means a negligible change < 0.03. CN: Coordination number; LA: liquid-like atom; SA: solid-like atom; HEMG: high-entropy metallic glasse.

Journal of Materials Informatics
ISSN 2770-372X (Online)
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